If you were to replace the pigs and chickens with cats and dogs, the cops and humane society would deem it cruelty to animals but because they're just "farmed" animals this is totally acceptable. It's sickening what humans consider entertainment. It's so frustrating when other activists speak on behalf of all activists at an event or in general and say stupid shit like "we know they're good people, they don't know any better." People need to start speaking on behalf of themselves when they make such sweeping generalizations. Activists, just like any other group are not a monolith and some of us don't live in delusion and think such absurdities. Not sure how anyone can attend such an event and believe these people are good, decent, or kind. Excellent video and saddening that the chickens and pigs didn't have anyone there in 2021 or 2022--pretty sure what happens to those animals is far more traumatic and deadly than a vegan AR activist catching covid. What a bunch of selfish wimps.

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Such a solid point about if the chickens and pigs were cats and dogs instead. An event like this would get far more media attention if they were cats being thrown off the roof, but if people already don't care about what happens to chickens to become food then they won't take this all that seriously either. What's momentary amusement for stupid fucks is never resolved for the victims. It's funny too that the activist could have said something like that because it's not like she even knows any of the people at the event besides the activists. How a good person could find this event appropriate is beyond me.

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Thank you for this powerful and excruciating report on this merciless abuse of chickens and pigs for the sake of entertainment of a morally fossilized town. Tragically, these towns are legion in the United States. We are posting this report today on our website and through our social media.

We've reported on, and tried to eliminate, the Ridgeland "Chicken Drop," renamed "Chicken Toss," since 2006. This and other "Chicken Flying Contests," poultry chases and whatnot, have been held in small-town rural America since the 19th century or earlier. We did succeed after several years of onsite protests (Our Banner: "Clean Fun, Yes. Mean Fun, No.") to get the annual Bob Evans Farm Festival in Gallipolis, Ohio, to stop holding the "Chicken Meet."

One thing the Bob Evans company learned as a result of our onsite protests was that many or most attendees regarded throwing 100 or more chickens off a platform with a toilet plunger for half the afternoon was boring, and many conceded that it was, indeed, an unkind way to treat the chickens.

However, the Bob Evans Farm Festival, though in a rural region, was still more "cosmopolitan" than a teeny, ingrown town like Ridgeland WI, or like Moorcroft Wyoming, where the "chicken roping contests" will be held this Saturday, Feb. 18 at the local bar for the 9th year in a row, as meanwhile, that same day, chickens will be thrown off the roof of a bar by drunks in Ridgeland.

Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns. www.upc-online.org

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Thank goodness for UPC or we would still have events like the Yellville, Arkansas turkey drop, the Bob Evans Farm Festival, and many more. There are so many ways to have a fun time outside with people without harming animals, it's so insane this crap exists and that we have to inform people about it. If local law enforcement would just enforce the law the event could be shut down immediately or beforehand, just like what SHARK has been able to accomplish a lot of over the past years with cockfighting events. Thank you for sharing this with your followers.

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What a miserable spectacle! Thanks for pointing out the danger and abuse of the way the children are being taught this is the right way to treat animals. Talk about "grooming"! Thanks also for recommending the judgments of Karen Davis, one of our strongest and most articulate teachers.

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You can’t fix “stupid”, but one would hope that law enforcement would at least do their job.

Problem is that most cops are as stupid or stupider than the morons they should be charging with obvious crimes.

What a planet, huh?

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Yup exactly, what a planet indeed. The sooner humans can just go away the better.

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“In their behavior toward creatures, all men are Nazis. Human beings see oppression vividly when they're the victims. Otherwise they victimize blindly and without a thought.” ― Isaac Bashevis Singer

"I have always felt that the way we treat animals is a pretty good indicator of the compassion we are capable of for the human race." - Ali McGraw

"A universe is indeed to be pitied whose dominating inhabitants are so unconscious and so ethically embryonic that they make life a commodity, mercy a disease, and systematic massacre a pastime and a profession."- J. Howard Moore

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That's a great J. Howard Moore quote. I never heard that quote or of the person, but I'm going to look into them.

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moore was a zoologist at the Univ of Chicago in the early 1900's. he was a huge animal rights activist and he wrote some of the first publications on the subject. very sadly, the suffering humans force on non-human animals was so overwhelming to him that he ended his life at the age of 53.

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Welcome to Middle America deep within "fly-over country" where the locals wonder, over a six-pack, why the "coastal elites" look down upon them as a bunch of bumpkins. Maybe it has something to do with their entertainment choices like running down wildlife with snowmobiles, rodeo, coyote killing contests, tossing poultry off high buildings, and mating with their cousins.

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WOW! Who needs counseling? Yup! I'd say You!

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Thanks. Coming from Rotisserie Chicken Girl I consider that a high compliment!

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OMG I can't believe the idiocy in this post! Get off your high horse and just worry about your own animals (if you have any)

Obviously you know NOTHING about this event or ANY of the people attending. You'd be amazed at some of the wonderful, caring great people that come to this event! It's absolutely a fun, exciting gathering for many of us. I don't know about you but, I love rotisserie chicken. I hope I catch at least two! Then I could do baked chicken too.....FREE! Duh!

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But you know who it isn’t a “fun, exciting gathering” for?

The sentient and sensitive beings that you and the other yokels are abusing.

Your insecurity and ignorance shines through. Congratulations!

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